Electric sharing scooters, plywood, aluminum, propeller, 50kg onions
Approx. 500x250x160cm, 4:00h
From a distance, passersby approach, confused. Many have tears in their eyes. On the sidewalk stand two of those new e-scooters, which have recently started appearing all over the city. Zero emissions, the electric motors hum almost noiselessly. It's more like a faint beeping. Sitting cross-legged in front of the scooters are two guys, each on a large sack of onions. With great dedication, they are cutting the unpopular vegetable into small pieces and piling the onions into a large heap. At the rear wheels of the futuristic machines, wooden apparatuses are attached. The wheels of the electric mopeds drive a shaft. On this shaft are propellers, which transform the potential mobility of the vehicles into an airstream. The new breeze has a strangely familiar scent.